ditto to Stephen's comment
Drupal is great tool for a variety of purposes, it and Rev are my two main programs.
Wordpress has a limited scope i.e. blogs

On 19/04/2009, at 2:45 PM, Stephen Cox wrote:

WordPress is a PHP blogging system. Has a template system for site design. It's well used and respected. And there are many plug-ins. It's open source.

Drupal is a PHP framework. You can create any kind of website with it
really. It's referred to as a 'CMS' framework because of huge 3rd party plug-in support. Drupal is used as a backend to everything from blogs to
corporate websites. Drupal is also open source.

If you needed to create a non-blog site then take a look at Drupal. Keep in mind there are many web frameworks: like ruby on rails. Django (python),
Seaside (Smalltalk), Zope (python), CAKE (PHP)- and many more. You can
probably find a web framework written in whatever language you want. And
soon, Transcript will probably be added to the list. ;)

On 4/19/09 12:00 AM, "Colin Holgate" <co...@rcn.com> wrote:

On Apr 18, 2009, at 11:50 PM, Chipp Walters wrote:

I might suggest people interested in creating their own websites,
check out
WordPress. Free, very easy to use and installs automatically on your
server account

It took a couple of minutes of research to figure out that to install
WordPress on on-rev you would use Fantastico. In the Fantastico page
it lists WordPress as being a blog, so is it up to be a complete site
management? Might Drupal be a better choice?

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