Sorry for this question ; I got the solution from the archives ;-)))

Best regards from Grenoble

Le 28 avr. 09 à 17:02, Andre.Bisseret a écrit :


I have an app. with a splash stack (standalone) which opens a main stack and dissolves.

From the stack « mainStk » it is possible to open a substack « subStk » of it.

I would like that when the user close the stack « mainstk » both the substack « substk » and the splash stack are closed.

In the script of the stack « mainStk » I put those handlers :

ON closeStackRequest

    close stack "subStk"

   pass closeStackRequest

END closeStackRequest

ON closeStack

IF "splashStk" is in the openstacks THEN close stack "•splashStk•"

END closeStack

This works well if the substack « subStk » is not open

But if it is open then both the main stack « mainStk » and its substack « subStk » are closed (as expected), BUT a couple of seconds after, the app « splashStk » quits but I get the message (from Mac) : the application « splashStk » quitted unexpectedly

Mac Intel OSX 10.5.6 ; Rev 3.5.0

What I am doing wrong ?

Thanks in advance for any advice

Best regards from Grenoble


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