Hi Victor
> In other words, I consider this a bug.

I think you woud be the only one
> on mouseup
>    send "t 1" to me
> end mouseup
> on t a
>    set the a of me to "bar"
> end t

Just think if you couldn't do this then you wouldn't be able to do something
repeat with X=1 to 4
        put "MyData"&X into tGet
        put the tGet of me into tData
        -- manipulate tData
        set the tGet of me to tData
end repeat

Yes it's a feature and it's a very powerful one

> Guess what property gets set on mouseup?
> And what's worse, I don't see how I can hack my way around it,
> because <set the "a" of me> is illegal. Ok, take a different name for
> the parameter, but I want to use logical sounding names.
There is a standard that many people on this list use where:
 - parameter names are prefixed with p
 - custom properties are prefixed with c or u
 - local variables in the script scope are prefixed with l
 - temporary variables (handler scope) are prefixed with t
 - global variables are prefixed with g
 - a new one that I don't use is arrays are prefixed with a



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