Thanks Richard, Mark,...

well, I knew a bundle is a folder.
I was hoping of an unrevealed feature to avoid scanning the bundle folder,
and dealing with each kind of files inside....

So, in the same vein you run a shell command to set exe bit,
i'm using this shell command for all the process :
     get shell(  "tar xf compressedfile")

and files dates,  files permissions are all respected.....

Hope all those Mac from 10.4 have /usr/bin/tar !


I'm finishing an installer in Rev which is a basic stack in fact.
After asking some parameters, it will check on the web for versions,
and should dowload few files.
Those files were compressed before.
Rev can download them,
decompress them and save them on the user's disk.
So far so good.
But, I have a external.bundle to download too,
and I'm stuck on how to compress,
zip or package it
so the stack installer can download it  and save it.
I've even tried the gzip/gunzip command line tool
which doesn't work either :-(
Any clever clue ?
It will be good to be done in Rev only.

I've become increasingly annoyed with the build process using any other installer maker, so I make my own in Rev too. Freedom + convenience!

As Mark S. noted, an OSX bundle is just a folder, so you can store its parts however you would store any other folder. My installer walks through the bundle keep track of folders, and tucking the data files and folder references into custom props gzipped at build time, spitting them out into created directories at install time.

When you spit out the Mac executable, remember that you'll need to set its executable bit -- Mark Waddingham was kind enough to share this with me:

  get shell("chmod ugo+x" && quote & tDest & quote)

...where tDest is the path to the executable inside *.app/Contents/ MacOS/

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