With the advent of Rev Stacks running inside a browser, there is interest here in our shop with the idea of doing educational stackware.

The perception that such titles by CD would probably never do well compared to

a) distributing printed materials
b) PDF's of the same
c) Some Browser app

led to us never putting any energy into educational stackware.

The "run a stack in a browser" changes the equation, big time.

I'm interested in purchasing some existing "well done" eduware done in Revolution, either by downloads or on CD's as studies of examples. I should add that since the team here is somewhat advanced in terms of graphic design, the first impression based on the "eye candy" factor of your titles will be pretty high...with "gorgeous" GUI will fly better (= "the Scott Rossi Factor").

But simple is also fine.

Please contact me off list with any titles and points of purchase, edu-tainment (games that teach) are also OK.



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