Hi Trevor,

Trevor wrote :
.Is this a stock data grid with no code added or are there any of your
.scripts that are processing data that is entered?

It is a stock datagrid, with external scripts for retrieving the data. It has two label flds in the datagrid template, but they do nothing. I have set the labels of the columns and disabled sorting of all columns but 2. I used the following script, which is placed in the grp "datagrid 3"
on SortDataGridColumn pColumn
if pColumn = "SortNr" then pass SortDataGridColumn -- "SortNr" and "Klant" are column names
     if pColumn = "Klant" then pass SortDataGridColumn
end SortDataGridColumn

>Out o fcuriosity, what is the sequence of events that requires closing the
>editor by script rather than waiting to save until the user presses
>return/enter or focus leaves the field?

Closing by script is a safety : after the user has entered data into the Datagrid, s/he goes back to the mainstack by clicking a button. If the user clicks this button without closing the last cell of the Datagrid (by pressing enter), then the script does that for her.

Thanks again for your help, Trevor. Really great !

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