OK, in Rev 3.5, I create a brand new stack, let's say on OS X.  I add a
control, let's say a tab control, and set its text size and style.  Now when
I move the stack to Vista or XP, the text of the tab control takes on some
default setting that I can't change.  Looking in the Text menu or using the
message box, the textsize/style is reported as being the same as my original
styling, but the appearance of the tab control is incorrect and won't
update. Using the Text menu or by script I am unable to modify the text

Looking through custom properties of the stack/card with "Revolution UI
elements..." enabled in Preferences doesn't appear to show any custom
properties set for text.

WTF?  Even on newly created stacks with minimal text formatting, the
settings don't carry over across platforms, and won't update.

go url "http://www.tactilemedia.com/download/tabtest.rev";

I created a test stack with the above tab control, and a slider that changes
the text size.  The stack works as expected on OS X where it was created,
but refuses to update here on Vista & XP.  Is this problem exclusive to my
systems?  Does anyone else ever run into these issues?

Thanks & Regards,

Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Multimedia & Design

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