Bert Shuler wrote:
I have written this code a few different ways. Each seems to be equally inefficient. I am attempting to compare to images, pixel by pixel, and record the differences.

ON mouseUp pMouseBtnNo
    put 0 into c
    set the startvalue of scrollbar Progress to 0
set the endvalue of scrollbar Progress to the length of imagedata of image "Alpha"
    put the imagedata of image "Alpha" into idataalpha
    put the imagedata of image "Beta" into idatabeta
    REPEAT FOR each char myChar in idataalpha
        set the thumbposition of scrollbar Progress to c
        IF myChar is not  char (c) of idatabeta THEN
            put c && char (c) of idatabeta & return after hAll
        END IF
        put c+1 into c
    END repeat
    put hAll into field "diff"
END mouseUp

It takes many minutes to process a 200x200 image. I want this code to eventually compare full screen-captures, so if there is any way to speed it up, I am open for advice.

Take out the progress bar and then see how it does. Setting a progress indicator on every repeat often takes longer than running the entire rest of the handler.

If you do need a progress bar, only update it occasionally; for example, every few hundred iterations:

  if c mod 500 = 0 then set the thumbpos of sb "progress" to c

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |
HyperActive Software           |
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