Hi from Paris,

I bought a Sony-DSC-F717 a couple of years back - went into my list of "Best-Spent Money" items - gives beautiful photos of 5 Megapixels (I never change the setting). The photos each represent about 2 MB, and with that, I can print out a high quality photo on A4, reasonable quality on A3. My close-up photos of flowers would make many photographers green with envy. What I mean is that a 5 megapixel/2 MB photo is enough for me, and I am a stickler for quality. I have many Rev stacks that display hundreds of jpg photos, and so I had to scale down my photos for rapid display and reduced disk space.

I use GraphicConvertor (Mac) - also on my "Best-Spent Money" list. You can batch scale-down a complete folder, to the size of photos you want.

Just in case I ever want higher quality (and I have more than 30 years of 35mm negatives to examine), I also have a Nikon DiMage 35mm scanner, and I CAN scan the negatives up to 100Mb files (what for, I will never know !)

I scan my BEST colour negatives to about 20 MB, and I CAN print them up to 1.5 metres x 1 metre posters - much more than the average Yogi Bear requirements.

The latest cameras are providing more than 15 Megapxels, and technology will take us much higher within a very short time ! I'm not sure what that represents in MB, but it certainly is a lot. I'm also unsure of the need for cameras of this quality for the average user.

Unless you are a professional, you don't need photos of this quality, so why take them ?

My next camera (I'm in no hurry) will probably clock in at 25 Megapixels, and I will need to upgrade seriously from my iMac with 1TB in order to be able to store and treat my photos. Maybe 1 photo in a thousand will require that precision (if I want to push it to a poster), but I will have to take ALL of my photos at that precision to do so ! I'll need many TBs to store all of them, and one hell of a processor ! Don't you think that this is just a little bit "overkill", remembering, of course that the lifetime of an average photo is about the same as that of a household fly ! I have three photo categories - 1) photos for the masses 2) photos for those who appreciate photos, and 3) photos I am proud of. I examine all my photos and decide which category it goes into, AND SCALE THEM DOWN if they are for categories 1 and 2, THROWING AWAY the originals afterwards. Why waste disk space ? Did you really want all those megapixels ?

Which brings me to the forum question "I've got photos of 13 megapixels that Rev can't handle". Who wants to push the (Revolution) envelope that far ?

Let's assume that you are a professional. Don't use Revolution to solve this problem, it wasn't designed for that - use a professional photo program like GraphicConvertor. Of course you can alway put in a bug report, but seriously, don't you think that there are more important issues to be solved with Revolution ?

If I want to knock a nail in, I use a hammer, not my shoe (which was designed for protecting my foot). Revolution is fantastic. It does so many things. Why ask it to wake you in the morning with a hot coffee ?



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