Andre Garzia wrote:

> Folks,


> is Runtime Revolution Environment, aka, the web plugin. RRE

> probably mean you have an Alpha version of the plugin, the ones that

> were seeded to conference going pioneers. If this is so, then, trying

> to load a revLet will render the browser unresponsive. The file format

> changed I think, the .revlet files are different from that the alpha

> plugin loaded.


> The dialog appearing behind the browser is a bug that RunRev is aware

> of and trying to fix.


> cheers

> andre



Thanks Andre for pointing out the answer on this one - it has saved me a lot
of investigative time but my question has prompted the disappointed comments
from Richmond who tried to help out. My experience so far with revWeb has
been so positive that I'm already an advocate, actively spreading the word
to previous non Rev users. To read Richmond's comments is slightly worrying
and a reminder to me that we're still on alpha and that maybe I should calm
down a little. All I can say to Richmond is persevere - it's worth waiting



Kevin Stallibrass

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