Message: 6
Date: Sun, 26 Jul 2009 11:21:06 +1000
From: Sarah Reichelt <>
Subject: Re: Any thoughts on speed limitations of Revlet?
To: How to use Revolution <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

On Sun, Jul 26, 2009 at 1:48 AM, James Hurley< > wrote:


As regards the odd URL, in the standalone settings, I recommend
entering a name for the revlet with no spaces or other odd characters.
When you build the revlet, you get 2 files: the revlet file and a
test.html file. Rename the test.html file if you want and then upload
them both into the same folder of your on-rev site. Then the web
address will be:
(filling in the blanks as appropriate).



Your recipe for putting a stack on the web worked like a charm. Thanks!

Unfortunately, if Richard is right about the bumpy behavior being "natural by-product of running inside the browser" , it does not look good for porting games to a revlet.
Take a look at Nine Ball on the web:

Not good at all.

Jim Hurley

I restarted my computer and Voila, it is a whole new ball game. It runs much more smoothly--surprisingly well in fact. Don't know what happened with the restart.

Only problem was I have to slow it down now. It ran much too fast. That was best done by adding another preference.

Set the Fast/Slow speed to about 45 and the Short/Long roll to .998

The new web url is

Note the 2.

This resolves the Nine Ball app, but not the Rainbow app. In that app, the torch graphic breaks up as I drag it.

Sarah: Should I report this and where to and in what form? The original RunRev desktop stack?

Jim Hurley

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