Le 2 août 09 à 23:08, Yves COPPE a écrit :

Le 02-août-09 à 22:46, Pierre Sahores a écrit :

Hi Yves,

In remote access mode, the directory of the stack can be handled as any other kind of http url (html, xml, txt,etc...).

If you just try to have the server's stack available as a script lib of the revlet in following the "start using stack n" by "insert the script of cd/script of stack n in the back/front", the simplest way to try would be to just use a

1.- "put url http;//yourdomainnameserver/thepathtoyourfile into myscriptlib_var" where yourfile is a txt file containing the scripts you want to to run inside the plugin, 2.- and than make myscriptlib_var available inside the plugin ram instance in running the command "insert myscriptlib_var in the back/ front".

Should this be handy ?

Else, could you explain a little more about the process you want to set up, including the type of communication you want to establish beetwin the revlet and the server stack ?

I have a library in a stack. This library is not the mine. The stack with the library is password protected
So the only way to use the library is to start with

Start using sack "containing the lib"

If I write
put url ("binfile:"&"http://www.mydomainname.com/myFolder/mystack"; into myscriptlib
and then start using stack myscriptlib
it fails

If I write start using stack "http://www.mydomainname.com/myFolder/mystack "
it also fails

If I write on my main stack, when this stack becomes a revlet
answer the filename of this stack
I get an empty answer

So I cannot set the defaultFolder and I cannot pick a scrip tof a library

How do I do in this case ?

Need, at least, to get an unlocked version of the stack/the contained scrpts you want to use. Why don't you ask about your need to the copyright older of the stack ?






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