I just tried it in Rev Studio. Changed 'N' to 50 under mouseup, it
took a shade over 30 seconds to diagonalise, I'm using a 4 year old
AMD 64 3200+.
I'll leave the optimising to others for now..

2009/8/27 Piero Ugliengo <piero.uglie...@gmail.com>:
> I am completely new to Revolution. I have downloaded the RevMedia alpha
> version and played a bit with it. I was impressed by how fast I was able to
> port a little VB6 code to RevMedia. This code diagonalizes a symmetric
> matrix using the Jacobi algorithm. I checked against the VB6 code and I got
> exactly the same results in the same number of iterations so that numerics
> is the same. However the RevMedia code is at least one order of magnitude
> slower than the VB6 one. For instance a 50x50 matrix is diagonalized in a
> couple of seconds in VB6 and it tooks more than a minute on RevMedia. I know
> that RevMedia is not meant for numerical intensive calculations; however, I
> would like to use it in a scientific teaching context so some power is
> needed. I wonder if anybody much expert than me can try the code using the
> most powerful Revolution Studio and if there is a clever way to deal with
> matrix algebra.
> The link to download the rev script is here:
> http://sites.google.com/site/pierougliengo/download-1/test.rev?attredirects=0
> <http://sites.google.com/site/pierougliengo/download-1/test.rev?attredirects=0>One
> can set the size of the matrix in the onmouse routine.
> Thanks a lot
> _________________
> Piero Ugliengo
> --
> Prof. Piero Ugliengo
> University of Torino
> Dip. Chimica IFM,  Via P. Giuria, 7 I-10125 Torino
> Phone: +39-011-670.4596
> FAX:   +39-011-236.4596
> E-mail:  piero.uglie...@unito.it
> Home page:
> http://web086.unito.it/cgi-bin/chimifm/persone.pl/Show?_id=ugliengo&sort=DEFAULT&search=&hits=70
> MOLDRAW: http://www.moldraw.unito.it
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