Dear Reinhold,

This is one way:

export snapshot from rect (the rect of this card) of this card to myVar as PNG
set the text of img 1 to myVar


import snapShot from rect (the rect of this card) of this card
put it into myImageName
-- set rect and loc etc

Read in the docs about import snapshot and export snapwhot for more possibilties.

Best regards,

Mark Schonewille

Economy-x-Talk Consulting and Software Engineering

Submit your software at

On 8 sep 2009, at 23:38, Reinhold Venzl-Schubert wrote:


I have a lot of records in the database of my learning application. Now I want to sort them in a new sequence. In the past, when I learned with real papercards I spread them on the floor and ordered them like a puzzle.

To emulate this process today on my computer I want to create small images of the cards (records). Big enough to distinguish pictures and headlines but small enough to place a dozen of them on my screen. I will arrange them with drag and drop and enlarge them with a click on one of them so see all details.

Is there any way in revolution to create screencopy-images of cards. Or do I have to use an apple script or a comparable feature an a pc?


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