Tereza Snyder wrote:

On Sep 9, 2009, at 9:16 AM, Richard Gaskin wrote:

I'm rewriting my script editor to use multiple cards in a single window rather than a separate window for each script. The migration has been going well, with one oddity:

When I first set this up, I had the stack's closeStack handler delete every card from #2 on:

 go cd 1
 repeat with i = 2 to the number of cds
   delete cd 2
 end repeat

Why not use "for i = the number of cds down to 2"? Seems cleaner to me. Though I know that the representation of cards in memory probably has nothing to do with card order, it feels to me that peeling them off the back would be cleaner than pulling them out of the middle. And, as is most likely, the cards were not shuffled after they were created, or inserted into the middle of the stack, it might actually be relevant to the crash. I admit that's a stretch, though.

It may be a long shot, but if it helps pin it down it's worth trying. Thanks for the suggestion.

If it's related to the crash, however, it may raise a question about the stability of reordering cards.

We'll see....

This worked well enough, but I found that about half the time I saved the Rev engine would crash. The file was fine - I can reopen it, edit anything easily, and even save it again. But only after it creates multiple cards, about half the time it crashed during the save command, while half the time it saved just fine. FWIW, the crash occured before the "~" copy was made, so it's something early on in the save routine.

On a lark I move the card deletion from the closeStack handler to a preOpenStack handler. Now it works fine all the time - I can save without difficulty.

Anyone else seen odd crashes during save?

Are you compacting the stack before saving?

Does it crash if, as a debugging measure, you exit before actually saving? Then save in a separate call?

Sometimes I use a variant of MC's Save menu item, which does a compact, a brief pause, then a save, and other times I've used just the save command by itself. I've noticed no difference between compacting and not compacting on this one.

 Richard Gaskin
 Fourth World
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