On Sep 12, 2009, at 6:17 AM, Richard Gaskin wrote:

sims wrote:
If I let a Windows user choose via dialog where my app creates and saves a rev file, will any folders that can be chosen by the user be accessible to the rev app when it goes to open that file again? I'm a bit worried about users choosing to save the file into a folder that Vista will then not allow the rev app to open that file.
Maybe I'm being overly paranoid  ;-)   But Vista seems a bit cranky.

Vista *is* cranky, but I've had good results as long as I stick to folders within the user space. You can direct the user to their Documents folder by specifying the path there in the ask file dialog, using the specialFolderPath function:

 ask file "Save file as:" with specialFolderPath("Documents")

That's no guarantee the user won't switch to a more troublesome folder, but in my experience many Windows users tend to stick to whatever folder you prompt them to.
You could use a conditional loop and test, such as

on testValidity
   put false into successful
   put "itty bitty string" into stringToWrite

   repeat until successful is true
      ask file "Save file as: " with specialFolderPath("Documents")
      put it into userChoice
      if it is empty then exit to top -- user cancelled

      put stringToWrite into url ("file:" & userChoice)
      put url ("file:" & userChoice) into gotItBack
      if gotItBack is not empty then put true into successful
      --else user chose a file and path that could not be used
      --  either the filename is invalid or the folder or both
   end repeat
   --if we get here, we can use the folder and file name
   ... more steps
end testValidity

Jim Ault
Las Vegas
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