Hi group  & Trevor :-)

I have a significant speed difference in my datagrids. I noticed that the datagrids behave slow in my project. So I did a test and created a new main stack (test Speed) with a similar datagrid (same number of columns and labels) and ran the same two sripts I use in my substack in my project.

One script is putting a name from an input field (after a test for the first free index in the datagrid) into column "Client". The script takes 127 ticks in my project and 34 ticks in stack "test Speed"

The other script imports a bunch of names and associated tasks from a field. Again the speed difference is remarkable : 505 versus 184 ticks.

Another problem which might be associated with it is the following :
I have originally started this project in rev 2.9 and only when the datagrids came along I upgraded to rev. 3.5 (because I totally dislike the new editor :-( ) and implemented the datagrids. I noticed that my datagrids only work if I separately include the revdatagridLib as a substack. So it is there twice (once in the engine and once as a substack). If I don't do that, the datagrids show, but have no functionality. Also, the revdatagridLib as a substeacks tends to 'escape' from my mainstack, meaning that all of a sudden it is still there, but as a mainstack, and not as a substack.

I suspect the two problems are related and have their cause in the project being started in rev 2.9. Rebuilding the whole project in 3.5 would be far too much work.

Thanks for your help,

Beat Cornaz

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