On Sep 20, 2009, at 10:33 AM, stephen barncard wrote:

send in time
get Dar Scott's stack that demonstrates Message Mechanics


Stephen Barncard
San Francisco

2009/9/20 Francis Nugent Dixon <effe...@wanadoo.fr>

Hi from Paris,

Way back in the good old days, on a 3270
monitor, we could blink any line. Very useful !

I want to blink an error message, to bring
it to the attention of the user, but I don't
want to stop the execution of the current

How would I go about this ?
In Rev, many thing run faster if the
screen lock is true and the
lock messages is true

lock messages -- unless you need this
lock screen
repeat many steps
add 1 to processCount
if the processCount > 50 then
unlock screen --allow an update
set the hilite of something to false
lock screen
set the hilite of something to true --for next time
put 0 into processCount
end if
end repeat

Also look at a second compiled app that doest the blinking blinking.
It will run as a separate process in RAM and cpu thread

Jim Ault
Las Vegas

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