On Sep 21, 2009, at 12:52 PM, Josep wrote:

I need use drag and drop between datagrids and others objects, how to begin?
I need perform operations like exec sql sentences or print.

Any tip about how begin to handle this?

At RunRevLive I used an updated version of the Data Grid with built-in support for drag reordering and setting the dragImage for drag/drop.


I haven't documented it yet but starting a drag and drop operation with the row being dragged on displayed as the dragImage is really easy:

## Data Grid Group Script
on dragStart
    ## use current row as dragImage
    put the dgIndex of the dgDataControl of the target into theIndex
    set the dgDragImageIndex of me to theIndex

    ## Set dragData to start drag operation
    set the dragData["private"] to "My Data"
end dragStart

Trevor DeVore
Blue Mango Learning Systems
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