Richard Gaskin wrote:
Richmond Mathewson wrote:

For those of you who haven't been to the conference or
looked at Ben Beaumont's stack (with RevMedia dp-4),


Inner Shadow

Outer Glow

Inner Glow

and Color Overlay

are at least as good as Photoshop's and considerably
better than GIMP's.

They're gorgeous, but with two significant omissions:

1. bevels - every other of the core set of image enhancement
   goodies is there but this one, and this is the one most
   needed for making custom buttons.

2. while these image enhancements work with all objects
   (and beautifully so), the wonderful gradients added
   in the last version are limited to graphic objects
   only.   I can think of a great many cases where I'd
   like to use button objects with gradients and shadows,
I don't know what all the fuss is about as I seem to always be
'breaking the rules' by using IMAGES, FIELDS and GRAPHICS

A GRAPHIC object layered above a text field with all the
jazzy gradients can then be grouped with the text field
(or button, for that matter) to achieve all sorts of
spectacular results.

Go, get them:

   but alas it's not possible without doing the screen-
   capture-and-use-as-icon method, which is pretty much
   the same as using Photoshop or any other external
   tool to make custom buttons.  :(
Lateral Thinking  :)

Why do I feel that the graphic effects that have appeared
in the RR 4-dp4 offering are symptomatic of more to
come - I certainly hope so.

From my point of view it is really lovely to leverage
these effects along with GIMP. GIMP does bevels (not
particularly good ones, admittedly); but its dropshadows
are really fairly awful, as are its glows.
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