On Wed Oct 7, 2009, Monte Goulding monte at sweattechnologies.com wrote:

> You must have been looking in the MC IDE, right? The Rev one is > protected.

Now you're showing your age. The Rev one hasn't been protected since the security was put back into the engine where it belongs. Take a look.




I just - two minutes ago - mentioned you name and successful efforts on the Metacard list (subject "Standalone Builder").-

What is unprotected - in version 4.0-dp4 - is stack "RevStandaloneSettings" - maybe the icon question is solved there?

Substack "revSavedAsStandalone" is still protected, which has hindered resolving some problems with standalone building since a number of years, apparently and especially the processes of removing "development properties". Building time for standalones can rise to several hours in the case of stacks with a larger number of controls. See also my two recent contributions to thread "Practical limits on object counts".

Best regards,

Wilhelm Sanke

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