put url "file:" & filePath into stackData
should be

put url ("file:" & filePath) into stackData

Jim Ault
Las Vegas

On Oct 17, 2009, at 4:59 PM, Peter Brigham MD wrote:

I'm stuck. I swear I got this to work for a few minutes and now it isn't working. I changed something and broke it.

I'm trying to store a stack ("stackToSave") as a customproperty of a stack called "updateList". As far as I can tell the way to store a currently open stack in a property is to first save it to disk and use something like

set the storedStack of stack "updateList" to URL "file:" & filepath

First question: is this the way to approach this task?

If so, then a few more details: the stack "stackToSave" is a substack of a stack "myMainStack" currently open in the IDE (all of this is taking place in the IDE). The stack "updateList" is not part of the same stackfile. I'm thinking I have to clone the stack "stackToSave" first so I can save it independently. Second question: is this true?

I have a script in the stack "updateList" that calls a handler "storeStack":

put "stackToSave" into stName
storeStack stName

on storeStack s
  clone invisible stack s
  -- when I do a clone stack s (without the invisible)
  -- I can see the cloned stack open fine and it's
  -- listed in the Application Browser as
  -- "Copy of stackToSave"
  put the filename of stack "myMainStack" into filePath
  set the itemdelimiter to "/"
  put s & ".rev" into item -1 of filePath
  put "Copy of" && s into sName
  save stack sName as filePath
  -- breakpoint
  -- when I break here and look in the Finder I see
  -- that the stack is indeed saved successfully
  put url "file:" & filePath into stackData
  set the storedstack[s] of stack "updateList" to stackData
  save stack "updateList"
  delete file filePath
  close stack sName
end storeStack

However, the result of this is that the contents of the property <the storedStack["stackToSave"] of stack "updateList"> is simply the filepath of the saved cloned stack. Clearly I'm not actually getting the stack itself into the property.

I'm using a custompropertyset because I will eventually be storing several stacks at a time in the updateList stack.

Is there some wrinkle here I don't get? I'm using a MacBook, OSX 10.5.8, Rev Studio 3.5.0-gm-2, build 870.

-- Peter

Peter M. Brigham

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Jim Ault

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