> I am slowly updating my On-Rev website
> <http://medard.on-rev.com/>
> struggling with CSS in order to obtain an acceptable look ;-)
> I recently added a "write to the webmeaster" line
> knowing that it is not advisable to write down clearly email addresses

One very easy way is just to break up the address e.g.
put "sara" & h.reic" & "helt" & numToChar(64) & "gmai" & "l.com" into tEmail

Another way is to encode the characters, so that a link to email me
would look like:
(Hopefully the email system will not decode it along the way.)

Using On-Rev scripting itself to encode the email could be done, but
it would mean that somewhere in the source files, you would have to
keep the actual address, so I prefer to encode first and just use the
encoded version in my pages.
You can download my EmailEncoder
or use it as a revlet <http://www.troz.net/rev/revweb.irev?revlet=EmailEncoder>

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