On Oct 20, 2009, at 1:18 PM, David Bovill wrote:


So sorry. I really checked this very thoroughly or so I thought. I turns out not to a datagrid issue, but mine - or should that be a Rev bug??? Goes like

I was relying on a handler I've had for decades
"rect_CreateTransparentButton" which does what is say on the tin, creates a semi-transparent button at the rect you specify, so you can see the area -
one click an it is gone. OK - but :)

set the rect of transparentButton to someRect
show transparentButton

that's it! That's the problem ??? The script creates the button with "create invisible button someName", does some stuff, sets the rect and shows the button - so? Well setting the rect of an invisible object off screen does
not work?!? It gets limited to the screen rect.

OK - it's old code and it would be better to set the templatebutton and then reset it - but still I can feel good about myself and waisting Trevors time
right? This is surely a Rev bug :)

No worries. It was a simple enough test to run and I found and fixed an unrelated bug while doing it :-)

Trevor DeVore
Blue Mango Learning Systems
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