dunb...@aol.com wrote:

I have a field with this in its script:

on keydown var
    dispatch "keydown" to this stack with var
end keydown

If I type into the field, no text appears. Just like my issue with "send", keyDown is not passed to the engine. How did you make yours work?

Well my name ISN'T 'Richard', but as I am wide awake I tried this:

on keyDown var
  put fld "fTEXT" & var into fld "fTEXT"
end keyDown

Bl**dy silly really as the cursor doesn't travel unless you do this:

on keyDown var
  put fld "fTEXT" & var into fld "fTEXT"
  select after fld "fTEXT"
end keyDown

I would just type into the field.

Objously I am missing something. . . .  do tell . . .  :)
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