tareq_tawaiha wrote:
This might be a simple question. I have 4 buttons in a group. Each buttons
name and label are similar for that button. If i edit the group then select
a button and check its "Size and position" in the property inspector , at
the end of the inspector there is a field called number, is there a way to
use that number in a script ?
I have made sure that for all the buttons in my group (top to bottom) the
number of the buttons are  (1, 2 , 3, 4) (In the picture i attached , if i
inspect button "simple" it is one , button colorful it is "2" see attached
 I want to be able to assign a letter (A,B, C and D) for every button when
selected. If a user selects "colorful" then i want to put "b". I could use a
switch statement IF i could get that assigned number . I use this code , its not working ( any other way of doing this ?)
on mouseDown
get the hilitedButtonName of me put it into bname
   put bname
get the number of button bname
   put it into X

switch X

case "1" put "A" break case "2" put "B"

case "3"
put "C"
http://www.nabble.com/file/p26050917/Picture%2B1.png case "4"
put "D"

end switch
end mouseDown
What an incredibly complicated way of doing things!!!!!!

I made a stack with a copy of your group and put these scripts into
buttons "simple", "colorful", "large" and "visible" respectedly:

on mouseUp
  put "a" into fld "fOUTPUT"
end mouseUp

on mouseUp
  put "b" into fld "fOUTPUT"
end mouseUp

on mouseUp
  put "c" into fld "fOUTPUT"
end mouseUp

on mouseUp
  put "d" into fld "fOUTPUT"
end mouseUp

no stress, no mess!

Love, Richmond.
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