tareq_tawaiha wrote:

I have a stack with over 80 groups that contain 4 radio buttons  ( i have
attached a picture example below), they all have a similar scripts. I need
to replace the script of all of the groups with a new script.  Unfortunately
by using the "find " option in the script editor i can not use the "REPLACE
ALL " button for many cards .
Old Script :
   on mouseDown
Do 1 End mouseDown
I want to create a button that will go through all the cards, FIND THE
GROUPS and edit their script to NEW Script
   on mouseDown
Do 1 Do 2 and 3 ..... End mouseDown

What i am looking for could look like this :
on mouseUp
   repeat with x= 1 to the number of cards
go to cd x -- a step here should find the groups , the groups are named differently on every card) -- a step here should replace the OLD script for every group with a NEW script end repeat
  go to cd 1
end mouseUp



I am about to go downstairs and teach little children English.
[I run a private language mini-school in Bulgaria although
I come from Scotland.]

BUT; to replace a script you can do something like this:

set the script of btn "XYZ" to fld "ABC"

and whatever is contained in field "ABC" will become the script
of button "XYZ".

I will have a think about the rest and get back to you at lunchtime.
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