I made this script for fun once, and transmit it as yet another somewhat secure method (yassm). Use if you want to, but beware of the shortness of the randomSeed, its only integer, so you only use the first 4 to 5 chars of the password with this. Also the size of the data increases a lot. The method uses a random number which you can change in addition to the password; both must match to decrypt the info again. I never tried binary data with this.

--encryption button:
on mouseUp
--transform password to a number
repeat for each char theChar in field "password"
put chartonum(theChar) after password
end repeat
--set the random generator to it (only first 4 to 5 chars matter)
set the randomSeed to password
--translate each char to a number
repeat for each char theChar in field "input"
--field "randomNumber" is a previously set number
put ( random(field "RandomNumber") + chartonum(theChar)) & return after theEncoded
end repeat
put theEncoded into field "encrypted"
end mouseUp

on mouseUp
repeat for each char theChar in field "password"
put chartonum(theChar) after password
end repeat
set the randomSeed to password
repeat for each line theLine in field "encrypted"
put numtochar(theLine - random(field "RandomNumber")) after theDecoded
end repeat
put theDecoded into field "decrypted"
end mouseUp

On Sonntag, Apr 6, 2003, at 03:29 Europe/Zurich, Monte Goulding wrote:

So with that out of the way, we're back to the original question:
 for what
uses would a hard-to-break but not military-grade encryption be

Hi Richard

I faintly remember that the password protection is 128 bit encryption so I
assume it's equivalent to SSL in it's strength. I think this is the reason
the US Government won't let MC/Rev be exported to some countries. I guess
the critical thing is that you make it difficult for someone to work out the
passkey. Once that's public then you offer no protection at all.

By the way I think Rev does this for their order form so that's one use.



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