Craig wrote :

>I think, like dividing by 0, you cannot take square root of -1 in rev. So >there goes "i". No roots of any negative number in fact. I don't think it is
>in the SANE world, if that is even still used. Probably not.

Hi Craig,

Rev does not need to be able to get the square root of -1 (or any negative number) to be able to do computations with Complex numbers. A complex number consists of a real part and an imaginary part : E.g. 3 + 2i where 'i' is the unit for the imaginary part. Now I can easily add another complex number to this one : (3 + 2i) + (7 - 8i) = 10 - 6i. The real parts are added and the imaginary parts are added. Same goes for subtraction. Also multiplication and division are simple. Powers and higher roots are a bit more tricky and I guess logs etc as well. I have made a start with a library, but was thinking if someone has done this before, it would free some of my time for the things I want to use the lib for. I use the complex numbers to make transformations in the complex plane and Rieman sphere (Fractals, Möbius transformations etc.). By the way, dividing by 0 in the realm complex numbers results to infinity. (That's what I always suspected in high school, but the teacher wouldn't budge).

Vice versa, if there is anyone who wants to have what I have up till now as library for this, I am glad to share. In the meantime, I still hope someone has made a library before me.

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