Colin Holgate wrote:
On Nov 16, 2009, at 12:22 PM, Mark Wieder wrote:

global t
...but do you really want to do that?

Yes, definitely, if it's part of an answer to a question about making globals 
work. Now, Richmond may well want to learn about locals too, but I was just 
answering the question he asked!


Actually, Colin, your advice about globals was more correct insofar as it answered my question,

but Mark's was pedagogically more useful as I had 'forgotten' about locals

[ the truth of it is that ever since I discovered Hypercard and escaped from the joys of variable declaration (think BASIC, FORTRAN, PASCAL) I was unaware (or unwilling to think about the fact) that variables could be declared in xTalk languages. Today,
mucking around with something that had to "stay there" between 2 handlers a
little bird at the back of my head started tweeting 'global' - it didn't tweet 'local']

Big Thanks to both of you.
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