Jan Schenkel wrote:
Well, in the AJAX world, you would write a JavaScript that sends an 
XmlHttpRequest every couple of seconds, and modifies the existing web page. But 
we're in a revCentered world here, so let's take the other route :-)

Along the same lines, you could make a revlet that uses 'get url' and 'post to 
url' commands in a 'send in time' loop to interact with the server back-end, 
and update the user interface with the changes. If your server back-end can 
send the information in XML or JSON format, you can still decide later on to 
make an AJAX-style front-end.
Just to be specific about this, I wrote a very simple test revlet for this
  - two buttons called start and stop
  - two fields called "time" and "field"
  - and the following card script

built a revlet, and it works fine - changes to the text file are displayed promptly. Just change the url name to something you can control and try it out.

NB - if doing this for real, I'd make the text file contain the time of last change (i.e. saved to the file whenever the server app makes an update), then have the revlet check if this has changed since the last time it retrieved the resources data, and only if it has changed would you download the rest of the data. If you do something like that to make sure the periodic download is small (and assuming you don't expect large numbers of clients at any time) then you could keep the period small (e.g. one second, or a few seconds) and probably obviate the need for pushing data.

local sGoing

on mouseup
   if word 1 of the target = "button" then
      put char 2 to -2 of word 2 of the target into tButtonName
      if tButtonName = "start" then
         put true into sGoing
         send "startgoing" to me
      end if
      if tButtonName = "stop" then
         put false into sGoing
         send "stopgoing" to me
      end if
   end if
end mouseup

on readnext
   put the millisecs into field "time"
   put URL ("http://www.maelstroma.co.uk/a.txt";) into field "Field"
   if sGoing then
      send readnext to me in 1000 millisecs
   end if
end readnext
on startgoing
   put true into sGoing
   send "readnext" to me
end startgoing
on stopgoing
   put false into sGoing
end stopgoing

-- Alex.
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