Hi Stephan and Francis,

> If one has ever had to work with punched cards (and I have not)
> genuinely
> deserves the title "hard core". That stuff was so boring in the 60s
> that it
> drove me away from the field.

I did as a teenager in high school on a summer job (circa 1968). ;-) I had 
actually forgotten this until just now.

> How did anything get done?

Veeerrryyy slowly as you kept watching the clock for it to hit 5:00 pm. ;-)

> -------------------------
> Stephen Barncard
> San Francisco
> http://houseofcubes.com/disco.irev
> 2009/11/19 Francis Nugent Dixon <effe...@wanadoo.fr>
> > Hi from Paris,
> >


> > and came out winning (and not whining !!)

Clever. I like this. I am going to steal it! ;-)

> > Then the question arises - Are there any traditional
> > programmers left ? - It MAY be a dying breed.

Almost any language that is not of the xtalk variety, such as C++, .net, Visual 
Basic, etc. is "traditional" compared to revTalk and there are more of these 
types of programmers than ever before.

Aloha from Hawaii,

Jim Bufalini

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