On Mon, Nov 30, 2009 at 1:19 PM, Randall Reetz <rand...@randallreetz.com> wrote:
> Yes, such a debate is natural and unavoidable and healthy (even when it gets 
> nasty).  Has nothing to do with the intent of my original post.  I am simply 
> and obviously questioning the integrity of the original intent of the 
> original post in this thread (coming as it did from a paid employee charged 
> with customer relations no less).  But mostly my comments are general and 
> concern the slow but steady disregard of integrity as a general concept and 
> contract of social behavior.  Which is, by the way, not in any way related to 
> the far more common (and morally repugnant) stand-in... loyalty.  Loyalty is 
> just a cleaned up word that stands for fear of social reprisal.  As example: 
> witness the very personal witch hunt that followed my first post.  Luckily, I 
> am (almost) immune.  Ultimately, it is truth that matters.  We should be big 
> enough to engage in the larger more meaningful debates that go beyond ego and 
> tribalism.  Courage.

Courage is an attribute that is becoming sadly devalued in the modern
world. I would be very upset to see loyalty going the same way, but
happily I believe that you are criticising blind loyalty, not true,
reasoned loyalty, which should never be regarded as repugnant.

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