On Dec 14, 2009, at 1:11 PM, James Hurley wrote:

It is heartening to see something defended by its parent. My sincere apologies for treating your offspring in such a quick and dirty fashion :-)

It's okay, the Data Grid likes to be beta up on once and a while :-)

The Data Grid is such a big departure from the other controls in Revolution that it can be tricky to get your head around it. The, shall we say, "less than x-talk" syntax you have to use doesn't help.

FIrst to satisfy my quick and dirty needs, I find that the following works well to get data displayed in a data grid field:

on mouseUp
  put field "data" into tData --Tab delimited text
  --The first line of tData contains the column names
  put line 1 of tData into tHeaders
  replace tab with cr in tHeaders
set dgProp["Columns"] of group "DataGrid" to tHeaders --Thanks to Andre for this line.
  set the dgText [ true ] of group "DataGrid" to tData
end mouseUp

Yes, that is the way to approach it with a Data Grid. I should probably add that to a lesson somewhere...

Now to reinforce your point about the richness of this more complex object: In another context, I would like to be able to click on the first column header and have it sort the grid by the LAST word of each in the first column. Is it possible to access (and modify) the script that the column headers runs?

Take a look at this lesson:

How Do I Customize or Disable Column Sorting?: <http://lessons.runrev.com/spaces/lessons/manuals/datagrid/lessons/7330-How-Do-I-Customize-or-Disable-Column-Sorting- >

Thanks again for nursing us through the infancy of data grids.
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