Hugh Senior wrote:
stephen barncard wrote:

It's also prettier than the MC IDE.

Jacqueline Landman Gay

Anything is prettier than the MC IDE. The bottom of my parrot cage is
prettier than the MC IDE. ;)

I use MC. After 10 years I'm kinda used to it. Pretty?  I have been known to
decorate the IDE with images of bikini-clad models, Bentleys, fine wine and
Belgian chocolates. The first keeps me young, the Bentley is an outstanding
ambition, the wine is an old friend, and the chocolates remind me of a
weekend once long, long ago with a rather nice young lady who... [censored
by wife].

So what would YOU choose and WHY?

LOL! I think I'd put the top part of my parrot cage on it, the part with the birds. :) To be honest though, MC's utility outweighs its appearance which I've learned to ignore. I keep telling myself that one of these days I'll just set the default text size and font to match Rev's so that I don't have to ignore the button text spacing any more -- but I never get around to it. I'm too used to how it looks.

At least you aren't putting any cheese on there...oops. Now I'll get censored.

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |
HyperActive Software           |
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