--- Igor Couto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Dear Jan,
> Thank you for your prompt suggestion!
> [snip]
> In my test, "targetf" was 6 lines long. Much to my
> surprise, this 
> script DID copy the right characters into line 2 of
> the target! 
> However, after line 2, ALL CHARACTERS TURNED TO
> JAPANESE! *hehehehehe*
> This is reproducible, and always happens right after
> the 'pasted' line 
> - ie, if I change the 3rd line of the script to say
> "put theSource into 
> line 4 of theTarget", then the source field ends up
> OK up until the end 
> of line 4, and then it's just japanese gobbledigook!
> Jan, do you have any suggestions? It feels like
> we're getting close, 
> here!
> --
> Igor

Hi Igor,

Sorry to get back to you so late, but work gets in the
way and stuff, heh.
Have you checked the textFont ?
  get the textFont of line 2 to 2 + the number of
lines of fld "source"
If the second item is "japanese" or something like
that, it probably didn't get transfered from the
source field. So you'll have to fix that :
  set the textFont of line 2 to 2 + the number of
lines of fld "source" to "Arial,cyrillic"
(Replace 'cyrillic' with the appropriate name)

Hope this helped,

Jan Schenkel.

"As we grow older, we grow both wiser and more foolish at the same time."  (La 

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