I was the original poster and this has been a very interesting thread, though a fair bit of it has been over my head as I don't know javascript, nor html, very well.

I'm working on a simple web based To Do list for some family members to share. Pops up items based on date. But I'm in Tokyo, other users are in China and the US--it's Monday here while still Sunday for you in the US. Want to pop up the items based on the date of the user, whether in Asia, US or Europe.

I found some javascript solutions on the net, and now Sarah has posted a very easy to understand javascript (Sarah, you're amazing). Now I have to figure out how to get the javascript result into an irev variable... looks like I'll be exploring cookies...

Tim Selander
Tokyo, Japan

Mark Wieder wrote:
Wednesday, January 20, 2010, 6:26:53 PM, Jim Ault wrote:

The original issue is that the browser does not send its system date
and time to the server so that a sever-side script can use it.

I think by now I've lost track of the "why" of this. By the time the
post information reaches the server wouldn't the server's date and
time be the important data points? Is there some reason the server
would need to know the browser's perspective?

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