On Tue, Jan 26, 2010 at 6:12 PM, J. Landman Gay
<jac...@hyperactivesw.com> wrote:
> Bernard Devlin wrote:
>> I'll be glad if Jacque (no s) confirms this. It will make my life easier.
>> I was sure she had recommended internet date.
> Nope, it was Richard. But I guarantee that anything Sarah or Richard says
> about time calcs is correct. ;)
> Regarding the seconds: when I was hosting the scripting conferences I used
> to announce the time of the next meeting in seconds. I'd post the seconds to
> the list and anyone who wanted to attend would convert it to their own time
> and see just when they needed to be online. That was Sarah's idea and it
> worked just great. There was something satisfying also about using Rev to
> figure out when to meet to use Rev.

This is all good to know.  So, generally the seconds can be used, but
there might be the most exceptional circumstances to do with daylight
saving and reboots (and in cases where the international time at which
something happened is so important than maybe one ought to be using an
external source like Jim suggests).

Good to know.

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