2010/2/5 Dan Soneson <soneso...@southernct.edu>:
> Hi everyone,
> I have a rather odd problem using rev applications on Mac OSX Leopard, 
> connecting to a server on my network. I connect to a server with an 
> Applescript command: do theScript as Applescript. I can do this just fine. 
> But if I unmount the server  by dragging it's icon to the trash, then remount 
> from within Rev eventually Rev reads the name of the server differently. 
> Let's say the name of the server is "George". I can connect to "George" 
> several times, but eventually Rev or Leopard appends a digit to the name of 
> the mounted volume.
> Originally, the path to file "Textfile.txt" on the server named "George" will 
> be "/Volumes/George/Textfile.txt" However, after a few connections (don't 
> know how many or exactly when this happens), the path to the file becomes 
> "/Volumes/George-1/Textfile.txt". Oddly enough, the icon on the desktop for 
> the volume is still "George". However, any reference to the file 
> "Textfile.txt" from within Rev now will fail, since Rev reads the connection 
> as "/Volumes/George-1/Textfile.txt" but is still looking for 
> "/Volumes/George/Textfile.txt"!  This gets somewhat frustrating, since I 
> never know when it will happen, and once it does, I can no longer transfer 
> files back and forth between the server and the computer.
> Has anyone seen this behavior? Do you have a workaround or a suggestion to 
> get around this problem? I never had the problem working with pre-Leopard 
> operating systems on the Mac, but it is now cropping up since all our 
> computers in a lab are now running Leopard.
> Another issue may be that the physical server (now running OSX Snow Leopard) 
> has several share points, each of which may be mounted as individual volumes, 
> one of which is the aforementioned "George". Mounting and unmounting several 
> of these share points may bring about the re-numbering issue. Rebooting the 
> individual computer doesn't seem to help either.
> Thanks for any suggestions.

Hi Dan,

To resolve your problem you could use a try statement like this:

        set myVolume to "/Volumes/George"
                do shell script "ls " & myVolume
         -- check if the volume /Volumes/George exists. If the volume
doesn't exists an error occurs
                set myVolume to myVolume
        on error
                set myVolume to myVolume & "-1"
-- if the try statement failed then the volume must be /Volumes/George-1
        end try
        set myDocument to myVolume & "Textfile.txt"

If you want a list of all volumes mounted and try something different,
you can use :

paragraphs of (do shell script "/bin/ls /Volumes")

-Zryip TheSlug- wish you the best! 8)
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