On Feb 6, 2010, at 3:37 PM, J. Landman Gay wrote:

Bruce Pokras wrote:

But what happened to "write once and compile for multiple platforms" when you need separate computers to make the apps look right? I don't buy the excuse that some kind of "improvement" makes Rev 4 unable to do as good a job with an icon as Rev 3.5 did. That is not an improvement in my mind, and I hope that the Rev developers don't think so either.

It doesn't bother me at all. Icons are an external resource and we've always needed a third-party app to create them. The old way of embedding Windows icons was based on Windows 95 and had some unusual requirements even back then. I'm sure you've bumped up against the restrictions for icon size, color depth, number of icons in the file, etc. With Vista and Win 7 it became apparent that the file structure needed to be updated so that Rev apps would function like any other on that platform and comply with standards.

So all that is required is that you use a different icon editor than the one you used to use, one that creates icons that fit with today's file structure. I don't know what you were using before, but for now there aren't many Mac alternatives. If someday one appears, you can use that one and not need a Windows machine.

There were some good reasons to change the file structure, including the ability to certify your Windows apps with a manifest, just like any other Windows program. That's necessary in today's more restrictive Windows environment. Vista introduced some stiff security measures and your app is more likely to fail if it doesn't comply. That change doesn't mean that Rev is deficient -- in fact, it indicates that Rev is keeping up with the OS -- but it does mean you need to change the icon editor you use. Virtually any newer Windows icon editor will work. To date, almost no Mac one will.

What were you using before?

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |
HyperActive Software           |     http://www.hyperactivesw.com


I used the now unsupported Iconographer.

BTW, I used the free Windows app you suggested on my "new" XP laptop to convert my OS X icon to a Windows icon and it worked great. Thanks.


Bruce Pokras
Blazing Dawn Software
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