Alex Tweedly wrote:

I strongly suspect it only works on Windows :-(   Sorry.
I don't have either a Mac or Linux box to try it on, however I did just try it on the on-rev server (as an .irev script) and it also appears to leave the file unchanged there.

I wonder if it has to do with the OS-dependent line-ending conversion that the engine does when it writes to text files. If you open the file as binfile instead of plain "file" you'll avoid that conversion. It might work differently that way.

Playing around some more, it appears that the results of write to file in these odd cases are not always what you'd expect.

I would have expected the following two fragments to be equivalent

seek to 2 in file "b.txt"
write "x" to file "b.txt"

write "x" to file "b.txt" at 2

That looks right. The "write" command always begins writing at the postion after the pointer. But when you specify an exact postion in particular, it writes where you tell it.

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |
HyperActive Software           |
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