Hi from Brittany

(and that is in France just in case you are from the US !)

I got your Survey Request, and as a fervent (and I mean every
word of that) user of Revolution, I SUBMITTED to your survey.

Things got complicated when I checked "retired"  !

Then I got questions like "Are you a CEO", etc. etc

and then I couldn't go any further.

How do you do it ?  Do you not consider that Revolution
could be used as a hobby by retired Telecomunications
Specialists ? Do you only consider those who can bring
you more money ? Would you like me to give you a hand
into preparing your surveys ?

I put as much money as I could into Revolution Studio
and On-Rev, and it cost me big bucks, but I can't do
without it, and I need it and develop with it every day!

But I will stop answering your surveys, because I am
not a CEO with 10,000 people working for me.

..... Until you put a leader question in your surveys :

"Do you use Revolution for making money, or because you love it "

With The Greatest Respect


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