
My problem was :

On Tue, Feb 9, 2010 at 3:08 AM, Andre.Bisseret <> wrote:

I have an app. that I saved as standalones for the three platforms (Mac,
Windows and Linux).

A first stack is launched which includes the engine and 3 buttons, each of
which opens an independant stack (say stack1, stack2 and stack3).

The 3 buttons have exactly the same script (on mouseUp, they call a same
command "ouvrirCeStack").

They are working well on Mac and Windows ;

But one user of Linux reports that only the two first buttons are working
normally. The third one does not open the corresponding stack!!!

How is that possible ??

Quite simply ;-), it was because the name of stack3 included an accented character ("Études")
As soon as I renamed it as "Etudes" the third button opened it normally!

Another problem with this Linux standalone :

On stack1 (which open normally) there is a button "help" which alternatively
change the visibile of a field "help" (shows or hides it)
Here again works well on Mac and Windows but, with the Linux standalone, my user says that when he clicks on this button the field "help" is shown but
is immediately hidden, and the stack is closed!!

Here again the name of the field included an accented character ("Démarches")
With "Demarches" the button opened (or closed) the field as expected.

So, for Linux standalones, accents are disastrous, but seems that it is only if used in the scripts. Fortunately the accents can be kept visible on the interface, thanks to the "label" feature : name without accent, but label with the accent(s)

Assuredly, it appears that Linux does not like French ;-))

Thanks again to Sarah and Bernard Devin for the attention they paid to this problem.

Best regards from Grenoble


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