On Fri, Mar 19, 2010 at 8:39 AM, Jeffrey Massung <mass...@gmail.com> wrote:
> First, I have a splitter bar I've created that works fine, except in a 
> standalone, the cursor I use (image ID 65) doesn't exist and therefore the 
> app just uses the standard arrow cursor. Any way for me to ensure this cursor 
> ends up in the standalone?

In the Standalone settings, you can check the box that says to include
the cursors.
But I prefer to import the cursor myself and reference it directly
rather than relying in RunRev not changing the cursor ID or anything
If you go to the Image library in the Development menu, you can select
Cursors and get the ones you need.

> Second, is it possible for me to detect that the mouse is over a link and 
> change the cursor to something else (i.e. the hand icon/cursor)? I know 
> there's changes coming w/ 4.5 that look promising. I haven't bothered to 
> download the developer preview as I really don't want to risk is, but if some 
> of these concerns go away with 4.5 and someone can just email me them 
> (instead of breaking NDA on the list), that'd be fine, too. 
> (mass...@gmail.com).

This doesn't require 4.5, so no NDA conflict here.

I put this in a card script and it seems to work fine:

on mouseMove
   if word 1 of the target = "field" then
      if the textStyle of the mouseText contains "link" then
         lock cursor
         set the cursor to hand
         unlock cursor
      end if
   end if

   pass mouseMove
end mouseMove

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