I copied your code from the example exactly and IF I use "change the foregroundColor..." it does just that: Highlites the selected line in blue with white letters. When I select a new row, the background of all the other rows is white with red text. If I change foregroundColor to backgroundColor, as soon as the selection moves off of a line, the whole line becomes invisible (but the data is still there since if I go back to that line with the hilite, the data again becomes visible). I am changing only one word (actually just part of a word: fore to back). I'm obviously not using the right property or something but I'm at a loss as to what else I could use.

I can still send you the script if you want but as I said, I started with your lesson script and just changed one word.


On 3/22/2010 8:44 AM, Trevor DeVore wrote:
On Mar 21, 2010, at 5:05 PM, Len Morgan wrote:

I'm still not able to set the background color of an individual row in a data grid. Well, that's not entirely true. I can make a row invisible but I can't change it to the color I want.

I have followed the instructions in the lesson "How Can I Colorize Individual Lines in a Table?", and if I do what the lesson says, it does in fact work but it only changes the FOREGROUND color of the text. I need to set the BACKGROUND color of the text/column and when I do that, as soon as another line is selected, the hilite changes to that new row and the old row is blanked out completely.

Can you provide the script you are using to change the background color?

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