I stand corrected on the comma. I don't know where I got the idea tab was the default.

As to the sockets getting "confused", this can't really happen since socket is defined by both the server and client IPs AND server and client port numbers. Unless you've got more than one machine with the same IP, each socket would be unique even if all the clients were talking to the same server on the same port.

To take a page from Jerry Daniels (of tRev fame), perhaps you can simplify this by making it a little more complicated. Unless I misread your original post, you want to know who answered first in addition to the actual answer. As each answer comes in, why not just grab "the seconds" each socket either opens or receives data until all have answered. Then you can see who had the lowest seconds (first response), and then read each answer and check for correctness. This takes the time pressure and allows you to better coordinate the response.

len morgan

On 3/22/2010 11:10 PM, Nicolas Cueto wrote:
Thanks for replying, Len.

The ip is indeed just an example, and Rev's default
itemdelim is not tab but rather comma.

Nicolas Cueto
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