Kudos Tom! great meeting of ideas, need, and technology! i think you will have a hit on your hands here! Also wonderful to see when an app does something that really makes a big human difference. i hope your app is featured over an ipad face book interface widgit (yeah that improves society, snicker).

i see the ipad popping up in all sorts of places that were not thought of at the casual glance. knowing jobs he has had folks dreaming up all sorts of interesting markets for it and is ready to push them in there if someone like tom does not come along and do what he did!

i usually dont grab technology when it hits the gates (never quite enough money for the bleeding edge and go for the better bang for the buck at the first rev), but the ipad is calling me, calling me... i must admit i love my itouch way more than i thought i would (and i thought i would love it) so i figure the ipad will be well worth it!

besides we can finally walk around like Picard, how cool is that. we just cant toss the data pad on the table yet!

i wish rev mobile was w/in my play budgets, but no work in that direction currently so it will have to wait, but i am thinking of how it can enter exhibit presentation!



On Apr 2, 2010, at 9:48 AM, use-revolution-requ...@lists.runrev.com wrote:

his is mostly off topic but while I am waiting for revMobile to become a solid option I was able over the past three and a half weeks to design and build my first iPad application and was approved for inclusion in the grand opening of the iPad Store.

The app is a communication software with voice synthesis for people who can not speak. The field which I have been in for almost twenty years is AAC - Alternative Augmented Communication. Typically these systems cost in the thousands but with my new software "My Pad Speaks" and a $499 iPad a user can have a system for under $600 bucks. Now that is a great mix of technology and innovation. My application has space for up to 10,000 words in an easy to use and easy to learn interface. I have included themes of both backgrounds and buttons for end users to customize the system to their personality. This is a fun application with a serious side.

"My Pad Speaks" will be unveiled during the grand opening of the iPad store this saturday along with the delivery of the iPad simultaneously in 80 countries.

My new website (the old one died) is on my on-rev server and can be found at: http://mypad.lazyriver.on-rev.com/

Except for the voice synthesis part this entire project could have been done in revMobile and would have been easier to do in a shorter period of time. I can't wait for revMobile.

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