On 06/04/2010 14:17, Mark Schonewille wrote:

Audioclips can't be exported, but videoclips can:

put the text of vc "sleighbells.mpg" into url "binfile:path-to-video.mpg"

Old chestnut indeed. I'd expect that fixing this bug is 5 minutes work. I wonder why this has to take more than 6 years.

As far as I remember somebody wrote something about RunRev being a programming IDE rather than a sound-processing program . . . so this 'problem' was not a problem at all.

However, over the y-e-a-r-s, quite a lot of people have felt this to be a problem: nobody seems to have listened though!




I do feel that the lack of audio export is quite a failing which would be great thing if it
could be implemented (err . . . how about 4.5 ?).

Recently, when I mentioned several capabilities that Supercard had, which RunRev hadn't, the answer given was that Supercard could do that sort of thing relatively easily as it confined itself to fewer platforms than RunRev did. However, as RunRev for Linux looks as if it is going into some sort
of tailspin that excuse looks increasingly feeble:

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