On 17/04/2010 10:10, David Glasgow wrote:
Here is El Reg's take on the new Jobsian iPhone developer rules:


Made me smile, anyway.

David Glasgow

Frankly, I think Steve Jobs is being very silly; as far as I can
see he is just making sure that developers start developing
and deploying on other hand-held platforms where the
manufacturers are not terribly interested in demonstrating
that they can be all hairy-chested, just in selling units.

The arrogance of the man will, ultimately, be his undoing.

When my friend tells me all about the super-duper range
of applications available for the MePhone, the ShePhone,
the HePhone and the GroupoPhone I will buy one of them
rather than the iPhone - customers don't want to buy
something mummified in all sorts of restrictions.
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