Jean-Pierre Soto wrote:
I want to send more than 20Ko text. Is there a way to do that?

After a bit of web searching it seem Rev folks aren't the only ones bit by this Microsoft bug/feature. Various limitations in IE and Outlook suggest it may not be possible to reliably create a new email form with more than somewhere between 500 and 2k chars (depending on the specifics of the user's setup).

Perhaps the most reliable method would be to bypass Windows altogether and use a CGI to send the email.

Here's the handler I use in my CGI library for sending email:

on cgiSendMail pTo, pFrom, pSubject, pMessage
  put "/usr/sbin/sendmail -t" into tSendMailProg
  open process tSendMailProg for write
  write "From:" && pFrom & cr to process tSendMailProg
  write "To:" && pTo & cr to process tSendMailProg
  write "Subject:" && pSubject & cr & cr to process tSendMailProg
  write pMessage & cr to process tSendMailProg
  close process tSendMailProg
  wait until tSendMailProg is not among the lines of the openProcesses
end cgiSendMail

If you use the POST method you should be able to send email with more than 2k characters.

For getting started with Rev CGIs I know of no better resource than Jacque's excellent guide:


WARNING: Writing CGIs in Rev is highly addictive and may have adverse effects on your productivity for at least three days once you get hooked and start writing all sorts of fun stuff. :)

 Richard Gaskin
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